Sunday 23 October 2011

Zitella Olamic for Reform and Kinship.

As part of the narrative development for my game design, I've come up with a full name for the company of which Z.O.R.K is an acronym for.

Zitella Olamic for Reform and Kinship.

I started of with looking up words that began with the letter Z and matched in meaning with the company's principles. Z.O.R.K is a company which is researching and development new ways and places for human kind to live in as they were able to foresee the decline of Earths stability.

Words begining with Z that I listed for potential use:
Zabra - spanish sailing vessel
Zareba - An african enclosure made of bushes and/or stakes
Zayat - Burmese house of worship / public meeting hall.
Zendo - Hall for Zen Buddist meditation
Zenith - A high point
Zeta - A small room in a church
Zitella - Maiden
Zoetic - Living/vital.

Words beginning with O that I listed for potential use:

Objuration - binding by oath
Oblation - anything offered in worship
obsign - to seal or confirm
Obvert - to alter
Occlusion - closing of an opening or passage
Olamic - belonging to a vast eon
Office - A room, set of rooms, or building used as a place for commercial, professional, or bureaucratic work.
Omnify - to make large or universal
Operations -
Organisation - administration: the persons (or committees or departments etc.) who make up a body for the purpose of administering something

I considered the following:

Zenith Office of Research and Kinship.
Zoetic (Vital) operations of research and kinship
Zoetic Office of Reform and Kinship

However I liked the idea of using Zitella ... then I could use a woman in the design ... woman - mother - rebirth sort of thing

I finalised with: Zitella Olamic for Reform and Kinship. The Maiden of rebirth for the future of mankind.

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