Wednesday 25 January 2012


We've been given the option to start project 2 or extend project 1.

I've decided to extend this project. I'm quite please how my drawing style and developed for this project and so I'd like to try and make this interactive narrative a full colour, instead of just monochrome.

The texture on top of this drawing of Amber is unnecessary, I was just fiddling about with looks and styles to use across the comic. 

A couple of practise drawings of dogs/wolves. I decided to go with a more wolf like physique for Tobias. While looking at different breeds of dogs, I was struggling to pick out a body structure which I thought was fitting for Tobias; The thick, shaggy coat but also a trim and agile body for a fast but powerful hunter.  At one point, I was considering scrapping the idea of the shaggy coat and styling him off of a doberman as they are a sleek bodied breed of dog which are associated with violence and vicious attacks.

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