Saturday 10 March 2012

Scucca - Complete


Sceocca, Scucca (Shook-ka). Old English meaning “Demon”

Folktales speak of a Demon Dog haunting the British Iles, from Ireland to Scotland and Devon to Norfolk. Accounts vary from one region to another but these demons are near always depicted the same; Unusually large, black dogs with a thick coat and red eyes. 

 Some say that the dogs are protectors, providing safety to travellers at night. However, known by different names such as; “The Grim”, “Cu Sith”, “Barghest” and “Black Shuck”, they are more commonly considered violent and dangerous. 

 It is thought that to see one, is to see Death. 


The above is the starting page for my web-based narrative, Scucca. Intially, I was going to display it on an iphone but I've discovered that iWeb (that program we were advised to use) is not as user friendly as the old microsoft office Frontpage. Hyper links above videos don't work unless the viewer is using Safari/Mac OS. 

In the end, I did get rid of the final image and let the narrative end on a "To be continued..." cliffhanger. 

Below are some of the un-animated pages I used. 

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