Friday 18 May 2012

Dragons Wake designing & storyboard

For the storyboard I needed a design of the two worlds: Anu and Ereshkigal as they were to be similar to Earth, but not exact as I want to keep coherent.

Because Earth moves at a different pace to the other two worlds, I decided to design the worlds based on Earth from a million years ago.

All 3 planets original look are the same to Earth in the Permian period. At the start of the game which is set on Earth's present time, the tectonics of Anu and Ereshkigal are in a state between the Jurassic and Cretaceous periods.

The above nebulae are what inspired some of the imagery in the narrative and are what I"ve referenced in the storyboard.

This is a famous photo of a section of the Eagle Nebula. The photo is called The Pillars of Creation and is what mostly inspired the ideas and imagery behind the prologue.

Although I dont know the original sources for the photos, I attained them off of


My original design for the animation/storyboard was to be set on stone with animated etchings playing out the story as the stone tapestry moved along but when it came to depicting the galaxies (especially the eagle nebula) it became difficult to keep that style and still portray the majesty of the scene.

 So I decided to do the art style more like it was in the Harry Potter example from the previous blog.
As the nebula is a cloud, the images are now appearing as a cloud before forming the actual image (like a watery drop of ink before it takes form in the animation). This also makes the progression more fluid and consistent.

First set of the storyboard. Directions for this storyboard are pretty simple as the transition between each stage is scrolling.

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