Sunday 20 May 2012

Directed Study

Continuing on from last term was the outside brief given to all years on my course. Only 10 teams were selected to go on from the sellsheet stage and my team was one of them.

My team (Maochell Studio) consisted of Carl Ellis, Michelle Marham and myself.

I came up with the original idea for the game and bought Carl and Michelle in on the project.
Carl and Michelle's main focus was to create the concept artwork and visual design of the game to support our pitch and design document. Michelle then went on to design the supporting mobile application.

We worked together a lot on fleshing out the design of the game, bringing in features and taking some out.

We all participated in the pitch, mostly designed by Michelle and Myself. I wrote most of the design document, with Michelle doing the interface and mobile application pages.

Unfortunately I can't share any of the details about the game itself here as our game was the one the clients chose to go with.

Working on this project felt like I was doing another complete project as we were often required to go in and meet deadlines before the day of the pitch. It was a valuable expierence though as Igot to create the design document and have more practice with that and pitching. The feedback was the most valuable but the extra project did heavily interfer with the schedual I planned out for projects 1 and 2.

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