Wednesday 9 May 2012

Preparing for scripting

After many revisions, I've completed my Prologue. Its about 5 (A5) pages long and with the help of , and feedback from numerous people, I think I've finally successfully conveyed what I wanted in this opening piece.

The main problem I had with writing this piece was that many considered it to be confusing due to the vocabulary I used. It took so re-reading for people to understand the difference between the Monads, the Nebula and the Dragons. With each revision I've simplified the explanation. The main positive feedback I got was that it had a good flow and was interesting, that it left the readers wanting to read more. The point that was most important to me was when someone said that they understood the worlds and that they were believable because of the references I used. This was what I was most trying to achieve with writing the prologue.

I wont post the prologue here and I wont share the interations of the writing as, towards the end many of the changes I made were small.

However, the following is a very basic run through of what happens. I'm using this to help me script the prologue and prepare for the storyboard.

Monad as a single entitiy
Monad together
Monad as a Nebula
Nebula moves and forms a star.
The Nebula breaks apart
More stars form
Galaxies form.
In one galaxy, too many stars form
Clashes with nebula
The nebula explodes and looks like the Helix nebula (eye of god)
Tiamat appears in the centre of it
Drifts through space
Makes planets, moons and stars.
Looks lonely
Creates more planets and stars
Takes a piece of its flesh
The flesh starts to form Apsu
They work together to make more of space
Find the planet Anu
Take their scales and produce plants and animals
Take their flesh and produce man and woman
The dragons watch as humans evolve
Cities form
The dragons sleep
Man builds the tower of babel.
Apsu wakes up and destroys it
Apsu tries to destroy mankind
Tiamat protects them
The dragons fight
Space is scarred (nebula form)
Shockwaves are released
The universe splits
The dragons keep fighting
As the fight, remnants of their energy form and embody dragons
The Dragons keep fighting, getting weaker.
The stop after a final, mighty clash.
The 3 dimensions can be seen and the differences between them
Apsu goes to Ereshkigal
Tiamat to Eden
The new dragons watch over all three
Time moves faster in Earths dimension
The dragons decide to close the rift in the universe
Enki stays on Earth
He becomes weak
Takes a human as a vessel. 

I've been studying some animated squences of narrated prologues and stories. Some are fully animated and some are still pictures with a few animatics. Intially I thought to do this as a full animation, picturing completely animated sequences however as I looked through more I've decided on doing an animatic in a tapestry like manner: a genereally still clip with a few animatics on top.

Prologue to Priest (film) -

 Not a prologue but I liked the style of annimation. Harry Potter 7 (Film) -

Opening Sequence to Elfen Lied (Japanese Animation) -

Animated version of the Bayeux Tapestry -

Early, unfinished version of the prologue to Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring. (film) -

I'm not sure if this fanmade or not. Aniamted version of the prologue to Hellboy 2 (film) -

 Opening to Aion (game)

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