Monday 7 November 2011

Coherent Worlds in Films

We were asked to look at openings to certain films analyse how they are coherent.
Blade Runner
  • Music from the opening credit sets the mood of suspense, thriller and high tension.
  • Short paragraph telling us of the history, letting the viewing know of the war and danger in the world.
  • Date and time (L.A 2019) gives a clear setting (The future)
    Establishing shot of an industrial city with fire explosions and flying vehicles. (Dangerous and futuristic setting)
  • Pyramid like city structure possible made of metal? - Pyramids are the places of Kings and signify power. The design and use of metal gives an alien/futuristic look.
  • As the dialogue betwen the two characters progresses and we see the one questioned looking confuses, it encites the same sort of emotion.


  • Starts with short text about the Roman Empire: viewer automatically remembers what they know about the Roman Empire and how powerful they were.
  • Music is sad, yet warm colours and children laughing:
  • Scene suddenly switches to cold colours "Germainia"


  • Starts with text "somewhere in the 20th century" with the exact time: like a bomb
  • Futuristic music, yet vocally old fashioned to a modern audience
  • Sudden explosion on a calm scene (Red Herring): disrupting the peace (terrorism)
  • Change of music = sharp and fast, imitates terror
  • News report about terrorism: scientist shown to be working, not paying any
  • attention to the report. Suggests to the viewer these terrorist attacks are not
  • unusual/have been happening for a while

12 Monkeys:

  • Text at the beginning sets the scene, futuristic, About paranoia and schizophrenia.
  • Psychedelic swirling: disorientation
  • Chaotic music
  • Flashback of traumatic childhood: Sound of wind gives cold. empty feeling
  • Both about Terrorism and set in alternative futures.

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