Thursday 17 November 2011


At first I felt frustrated with the idea of creating silhouettes for this project as I didn't really feel like I was getting my idea across through the silhouettes and wanted to go straight through to the thumbnailing stage. However, as I progressed through this process, I discovered that I enjoyed it and realised the potential they had for me. As we can see in the last set of silhouettes, I started to get a better idea of filling in the canvas, framing and view points to consider.

I've chosen to do silhouettes of the environment and some of the assets which will make up the world because in ZORK: The Remnants, although there are characters, the main character is player defined. The player does have a chance to encounter other survivours in the main game but they could also miss out on meeting them or chose not to involve themselves with him or her. It's the environment which the player will be interacting with the most and sets the game appart from other survival games.

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