Wednesday 25 April 2012

My adaptation

My Adaptation

For my narrative, I'm heavily referencing the Babylonian/Mesopotamian Gods and myths but I'm also adapting it a great deal.

- Tiamat exists before all. 
- She creates Apsu, equal to her in power, and together they create man.
- Man becomes to arrogant with the knowledge and abilities.
- Apsu attacks man, sending a flood and confusing them.
- Tiamat is angered by this and she fights against Apsu, defending man.
- As they fight, the Earth splits into 3 dimensions, creating Heaven, Earth and the Underworld.
- They keep fighting and as they do, their powers also split, breaking up into the elements: earth, air, fire, water, lightning, light and shadow.
- Thse elements embodied the form of dragons.
- Tiamat and Apsu ware each other out, powers weakened from the split.
- Tired, Tiamat hides herself in Heaven, wanting to rest and Apsu goes to the underworld.
- The Dragons Kishar(Earth), Anshar(Air), Gerra(Fire), Enki(Water), Adad(Lightning), Shamash(Light) and Nergal(Shadow) take up Tiamat and Apsus roles of Gods to man.
- The 3 worlds are aware of each others existence.
- The Heaven and Earth are quite similar to each other.
- Heaven is the most original to the archetype Earth. On here lived man, beasts and greater beasts [demons (not necessarily evil)]
- Earth is furthest away from the slipstream of magic, the most cut off from Apsu and Tiamats powers. Here just lived man and beasts.
- Hell is the most unstable, representing Apsus anger. Here lived mostly greater beasts and a men.
- Those on Earth called the other Earths "Heaven" and "Hell".
- Those on Heaven called Earth "Anu" and Hell "Ereshkigal"
-  Those on Hell had no new name for the parallel Earths as it was mostly of the greater beasts. (Demons without a common language to man).
- After a while the veil between the worlds closed up, and Earth, Heaven and Hell were cut off from each other.
- At somepoint, Enki went to Earth and stayed there while the other dragons stayed on Heaven.
- As time went on, Dragons/Gods went into slumber.
- They each took up a human vessel and the essence of the God is passed through each generation.

This is the set up for the plot of my narrative.

I've still to flesh outthe reason as to why Enki is on Earth.

I'm trying to establish a coherent reason as to why only Enki was on Earth and the others stayed on Heaven.

In my narrative, when the woman is taken from Earth and sent to Heaven it is the King of Babylon, a desendant of Marduk, who has done it. It's not easy breaching the veil between the worlds and so if more than one God is on Earth, it will be a problem bringing them together.

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